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About Us

Quadbase Systems Inc., based in Santa Clara, CA, provides tools, technologies, and services that enable customers to optimize business performance with advanced data analytics.  Companies, big and small, have collected vast amount of data from transaction databases, web logs, social media, networks, IOT’s and so on. “Data is the new oil !” It is our mission to help customers to democratize data into actionable insights in the most productive way via machine learning, AI, predictive analytics, visual analytics, ad hoc reporting and operational reporting services.


Data Visualization, Reporting, Visual Analytics
Quadbase’s  EspressChart®, EspressDashboard® and EspressReport® family of products were built on Java technologies. Powerful, yet easy to use, they can satisfy virtually any reporting requirement from the simple output of application data, complex pixel perfect interactive reports to sophisticated presentation of KPI dashboards , ad-hoc reports and analysis. The multitude of data sources supported range from text files, XML files, Excel spreadsheets, to relational databases and big data such as Hadoop/Spark and Mongo DB. With dynamic and actionable content, these products can meet the information delivery and performance management needs of the entire enterprise, and empower users with the convenience of interactive information™ anytime anywhere, on-the-go, securely without compromise and without IT development overhead. 

Predictive Analytics, AI, Machine Learning
Quadbase Systems Inc. provides AI solutions and predictive analytics as a managed service to organizations that are in need of extra data science resources to perform advanced analytics. Our team members are MCSA’s who are experienced in Azure ML, Microsoft R, Microsoft Cognitive Services, MS SQL Server, R, Python, and Azure Cloud services. As a managed service provider, we will be with you every step of the way from defining the use cases, building the predictive models, to deployment, continued maintenance, retraining and tuning of models and support. We will make sure that you get the best actionable results with our bespoke service that meets your requirements and budget.