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Container - ultimate portability, configurability, and isolation

EspressReport ES (ERES) 7.0 supports Linux container technologies via Docker. For RedHat Linux, ERES 7.0 container is certified by RedHat Connect and the container image is available with the following command.


docker pull

The Ubuntu based image is published in Docker Hub. You can retrieve the image with the following command.

docker pull quadbase/eres

For more information about Docker and the downloads, please visit the following link: Get Docker

A Linux container is a set of processes that runs from a distinct image that includes all necessary files such as code, libraries, environment variables, and configuration files. It runs completely isolated from the host environment by default, and only accesses host files and ports if configured to do so. By providing an image that contains all of an application’s dependencies, it is portable and consistent as it moves from development, to testing, and finally to production

Learn more about Linux container here.

Here are the advantages of using Docker.

How to deploy

ERES 70 container runs ERES application on port 8080 with evaluation license. It’s quick and easy to deploy.


1. After pulling the image  from registry, you can start the image with the following docker command:

docker run -td quadbase/eres70


2. Once docker image is started,  use the following command to find container information:

docker ps –a


3. If this is the 1st container, IP should be, the docker command to check the running container IP is:

docker inspect | grep '"IPAddress"' | head -n 1


4. Open a web browser to load ERES 70 application: , if the container IP is not, please use the IP returned in step 3.


5.    You can enter the container shell to check ERES application status, the log file is Tomcat/logs/catalina.out


To find the running container ID:

docker ps –a

To enter the running container shell:

docker exec -it bash



Product Brief
